Monday, January 31, 2011

Can't Get Away

We can't escape it!  They have "Home Depot" in St. Lucia!!  Aahh! 
But seriously, we missed the house while we were gone.  You know how parents talk about their kids when they're on vacation without them?  Well, that's how we talked about the house all week.  It's sick, I know.  We're excited to get back to work on it this week...I just wish that it was 85 degrees and sunny here, and that we could waltz on up to the buffet in between projects. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week in Review

A LOT has been accomplished this week at Summerbreeze.  It looks more and more like a house every day.  This was a pretty typical work week.  In addition to the hours Pete & I put in this week, my Grandpa has been helping with a lot of painting, Pete's dad has been finishing up the electrical work, my dad has been working on carpentry and other finish projects, and Lisa has been helping with painting and other odd jobs.  Here's a brief update of some of what we've done each day this week, complete with photos.

Because Pete plays volleyball with some guys from church on Monday nights & I get groceries, we're usually only at the house for 2.5-3 hours - a shorter night than our usual 4-5 hours.  One of the things we attempted to tackle this Monday was tearing up the entry tile.  This proved to be NOT SO EASY!!  Let's just say it's way more fun to lay tile than tear it up.  It is not coming up cleanly, so we'll need to do some leveling/repair to the subfloor before re-tiling.  Boo.
Here's Pete destroying tile.

And here's what the floor looks like underneath.  Boo.

Tuesday was our entry into the world of laying tile.  (Which, by the way, is a super fun world!!)  I'm somewhat afraid of saws, similar to how I feel about ladders - I will use them if I need to, but I'd rather not.  So, Pete was in charge of using the tile saw and I was in charge of everything else.  Pete started cutting the tiles on Tuesday, but when I went to lay them, I realized that we'd left the trowel at home.  Sadly, Meijer does not sell trowels.

I had meetings and choir rehearsals at church and didn't work at the house on Wednesday, but Pete finished cutting all the tiles.

Here's the tile master - doing work.

Tile day - part two!  I actually remembered the trowel, so I spent the evening laying tile.  (Have I mentioned that this is way fun?)
This is the laundry room tile.

And here is the master bathroom tile.  Notice I abandoned the use of tile spacers.  Yes, I'm that good.  Or...I screwed up that badly.  Oops.  It all worked out in the end... : )

While I was tiling, Pete & his dad were tackling the entry chandelier, which, as suspected, proved to be a challenging project.  It was like reverse "Phantom of the Opera" (you know, the scene where the phantom releases the chandelier and it comes crashing down on the crowd).  It looks amazing!!
Pete hanging the light.

Pete's dad hooking up the electrical.

Ta Da!!

The cabinets came today!  The timing of delivery worked out perfectly so that we didn't have to wait until Monday to get them.  Hopefully, they will be installed next week...stay tuned...

Here they are...minus the wine rack.  Sadly, that won't be here until Feb 4. : (

Imagine this on it's side....this is what the door style is like.

Typically, we take Fridays off from the house for "date night", which generally involves shopping for things for the house.  This week, we went in search of the perfect toilet.  Pete has very specific toilet needs & is being quite choosy about which one we buy.  At Home Depot the toilets were displayed on a second level shelf so we could see them, but couldn't see in them.  He wanted to see what type of hole they had as this affects a toilet's plungability.  So, I climbed up on the shelving, lifted the lid, reached my phone inside the toilet & took a picture of the hole for every single toilet in our price range.  None of them have the right kind of hole. 
Here's an example of the wrong kind of hole.

Tile day - part three!  I finished the grout in the laundry room first thing this morning.  Way satisfying.... : )  Gotta love grout.  Little work, big impact.  I am quite proud of myself.
I did that!!!!  Sometimes I just stand in the doorway and marvel.

I did not finish the grout in the master bathroom because there were several other projects we were working on in there.  We set the vanity top and faucets (sorry...I forgot to take a picture).  We also started placing tile backer board in the shower.  We started with the ceiling, and this involved a major insulation shower.  Pete had the privilege of climbing around in the attic twice to play with fiberglass.  Fun times.
Here's my dad knee deep in insulation, working on the shower ceiling.

Lots of other punch-list-type items were accomplished this week, as well, but these were the highlights.

For those of you who enjoy the more decorative elements of the renovation process, here's one for you. This is a photo of the shade we hung last week in Bedroom #2.  I'm a big fan of Roman Shades, and when I found this patterned one at World Market, I thought it was perfect.  I picked the cool green wall color to match the green in the shade. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look what I did!!

That's right folks, I laid Hardie Backer!!  Well, not all by dad cut the pieces and pretty much told me what to do, but I mixed the mortar, slopped it down, set the pieces and nailed them in place.  Considering that neither of us has done this before, it wasn't too bad!  I also assisted my dad in placing the master bath and laundry room cabinetry...well, I held stuff and drove a few screws, anyway... : ) 
Pete finished painting the foyer on the big extension ladder (scary!) and got the ceiling speakers working, and Lisa painted doors and put on switch and outlet plates.  All in all, it was a great day!
Here's the laundry room...all ready to be tiled... : )

And here's the master bathroom all ready to be tiled.  Note the lovely vanity, placed so levelly... : )  There is also a matching linen cabinet opposite the vanity, just to the right of this shot.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Find of the Day

I don't normally shop at Marshall's, but after finding these awesome hand towels (perfect for the main floor half bath) in the clearance aisle, I think I need to add it to my list of regular stops!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Light Fixtures

Light fixtures are underrated.  I honestly think a good light fixture can make a room and a bad one can break it.  Case in point - the house we're renting.  All the rooms are "broken", and I attribute that to the light fixtures.  These buggers were super classy in 1967.
Since there weren't many light fixtures in place at Summerbreeze, I can't show you "before" and "after" pics from there.  Instead, you're getting "current house" (our rental) and "future house" (Summerbreeze).
Enjoy... : )

Current Dining Room Light

Future Dining Room Light

Current Kitchen Light

Future Kitchen Light

Current Office Light

Future Office Light

Current Master Bathroom Light

Future Master Bathroom Light

Current Guest Bedroom Light

Future Guest Bedroom Light

Current Half Bath Light

Future Half Bath Light

Saturday, January 1, 2011

White Box Challenge

If you've ever watched the HGTV show, Design Star, you know all about the "White Box Challenge".  The designers get an entirely white room to design from scratch.  Well, we have 10 white box challenges!  Yesterday morning, the house was handed back to us, with all the new drywall freshly primed.  A giant white box.  By this morning, the entire main floor and parts of the second floor are painted!  Five people painted for a total of 35 hours yesterday!  Two others worked on getting the electrical going again, and others stopped by for moral support.  Big thanks to Gramdpa, Kristin, George and Amanda for all your help painting!!  We couldn't have done it without you!  (Especially George who climbed way up on the extension ladder to paint the foyer, remove the crazy window blind and even clean the window!)  Also thanks to Pete's Dad, Mike, for helping get lights to paint by!!

Here's a link to some pictures from last night (the slide show is not wanting to embed this morning...sorry!)