Friday, April 1, 2011

Moving Update

We've moved in!  Last Saturday, March 26 (a day before our self-imposed deadline of Pete's 30th birthday - March 27) we trucked (or rather vanned) everything over to the new house and spent our first night there!  I must say, that even though it is not completed and "perfect" yet, I love it.  Living at the project does have it's challenges, but it's far superior to where we were living, and so far I have not needed that padded room at Pine Rest.

Here's a little room by room update...we'll start upstairs since that's where we're living and what is the most "done"...
This is the staircase - stained and carpeted and finished!  We managed to finish staining and varnishing the banister before carpet was installed on Thursday night.

This is the landing/hallway at the top of the stairs...aka junk pile collection zone.

Laundry room...fully functional and only one leak so far!  But that won't happen again...Pete found the part we were missing and it's fixed. : )

Upstairs bathroom - also fully functional and the tub is even clean thanks to Lisa!  (Since we don't have a utility sink, we'd been using this tub to clean out mortar & grout buckets, paint, etc.  Oops.)

Front upstairs bedroom/temporary office.  Until the office on the main floor is finished, this is home base for the computer and all other important things.

This is the back upstairs bedroom, complete with queen bed.  That's how this room will stay for now, in case we ever have guests... : )  Come on over!  You'll even have your own bathroom!

Master Bedroom!!  I love this space.  I'm still looking for a few pieces to pull it together, but so far it's coming together well.

Master bathroom!!  I love this space, too!!  The shower is awesome!  (And it works...major relief since we built it ourselves : )  Waking up and getting ready is almost tolerable in these surroundings.

Master closet - well, we used to think the closet was huge...until we put our stuff in it.  But, it is quite nice as well.  There is a place for everything...another bonus of getting to design it ourselves.

Now, let's travel downstairs to the main floor...

 The Kitchen!  Fully functional (minus a kitchen faucet...long story), but sadly not so clean. (view is from the dining room)

Sink without faucet...sadness.

View of the kitchen from the living room.

Dining room, aka dumping ground.  Since this room is mostly finished, it's a relatively safe place to leave things.  That little bad habit is going to need to change soon!

We hung the fantastic IKEA curtains!!  I love them!

Here's a close up shot of the curtains.  Notice how crazy good they go with .... great-grandma's china!!  I didn't even plan that!  I've had the china boxed up for a while and was excited to finally have a formal dining room and hutch so that I could display it.  I vaguely remembered the pattern was leafy, but when I unpacked it, I was pleasantly surprised with how well it matched the room and the curtains!

The living room...moving on...not much to see here, folks...

Main floor half-bath...not much to see here either....

Office...or here... : (

So where is the rest of our junk?

In the basement!

Pete set up our TV by the couch in the basement so we can still watch our Netflix movies.  No cable, TV or internet at the house yet... : (

And in the garage, we are bracing for the most epic garage sale of all time....once the weather gets warmer, of course.


  1. Let it be known that the kitchen faucet IS functioning. Amy just didn't post a picture of it. There is just a small leak in one of the drain lines. We do have a working faucet - after several trips to Godwin Plumbing to fix the old faucet and then finally purchasing a new one because the old one was not fixable.

  2. love it! you're getting there, guys! and i'm glad you got the faucet now, pete :)
